After Brutus and Cassius talk with Casca about Mark Antony’s public offer of the crown to Caesar, Brutus agrees to continue his conversation with Cassius the next day.
Cassius urges Brutus to oppose Caesar for fear that Caesar may become king.
When Caesar and others exit, Cassius and Brutus remain behind.
Act 1, scene 2 A soothsayer advises Caesar that the fifteenth of March will be a dangerous day for him. The tribunes Marullus and Flavius try to shame the people into returning to their places of work by reminding them how much they loved Caesar’s rival Pompey, whom Caesar has destroyed and whose sons he has just defeated. Act 1, scene 1 In Rome the people are taking a holiday to celebrate the triumphant return of Julius Caesar. Brutus commits suicide, praised by Antony as “the noblest Roman of them all.” In the battle which follows, Cassius, misled by erroneous reports of loss, persuades a slave to kill him Brutus’s army is defeated. Brutus and Cassius escape as Antony joins forces with Octavius Caesar.Encamped with their armies, Brutus and Cassius quarrel, then agree to march on Antony and Octavius. Antony uses a funeral oration to turn the citizens of Rome against them. At the Senate, the conspirators stab Caesar to death. A conspirator, Decius Brutus, persuades him to go to the Senate with the other conspirators and his friend, Mark Antony.
Cassius and others convince Brutus to join a conspiracy to kill Caesar.On the day of the assassination, Caesar plans to stay home at the urging of his wife, Calphurnia. Brutus, Caesar’s friend and ally, fears that Caesar will become king, destroying the republic. As the action begins, Rome prepares for Caesar’s triumphal entrance. The first part of the play leads to his death the second portrays the consequences.
Entire Play Caesar’s assassination is just the halfway point of Julius Caesar.